Monday, October 5, 2009

IE Football Club Proudly Presents

GreenLaces Cup!, The Green Football Tournament!!!

Dear All,

As you might have heard, IE Football Club is organizing the first Green Tournament in IE history.
The tournament will take place this weekend starting Friday October 9th until Sunday October 11th!!!
The event will count with the presence of students from top MBA schools such as London Business School, INSEAD, and IESE.

It will consist of round robin (everyone plays everyone) football games during the weekend, complete with parties to network with students from all over the world!!!

(More info about parties on the next post!!!)

So come to support YOUR guys and girls teams and show the true colors of your school!!!!

We hope to see you all there.

I.E Football Club

Monday, July 20, 2009

Spring League Final!!!!

Hello All....

Congratulations to Wenger's Dream Team for winning this challenging, extensive, and competitive league.
We hope all the teams enjoyed playing and being up for the competition and getting ready for the upcoming games.

The Final between Wenger's Dream and Dirty Dozen was an whole event in itself, with many students from the November intake and the April intake coming to support their respective teams on an environment of fairplay and solidarity among students.

The game went on with both teams aiming to win from the first minute, making plays, fouls, and beautiful coordination between teams.

Players from both sides showed their dertgermination to winning, but at the end the physical effort took toll, and the members of Wenger's Dream showed a better shape and ended up deciding the game in the second half.

CONGRATULATIONS again to Wenger's Dream for winning the league, because next one will be harder, better watch out for the new All Nations Galacticos team......

Pictures coming up!!!

See you soon.......

Saturday, July 18, 2009

IE Football Club Participation on OFFDutIE

Hello All,

As you know the OFFDutiIE event was primarily launched to raise money for the most needed charities and causes.

IE FC proudly contributed to the task, raising over 500 Euros through “bid to play” challenge, in which participants from every program at IE Bid for a spot and the chance to play football for the noble cause.

Please do not forget to support out causes of being environmental responsible and renewing our pledge to be a green team every day.

More Green Events coming up after vacations!!!!!

We will keep you all posted.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Updated Finals Schedule!!! Saturday 18th July

Hey guys please check the schedule for this weekend! Please be on time!

We are planning to have a little event selling cold beers during the matches. So bring friends, fools and family! More to be posted!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Schedule for the weekend!

Please find the schedule for the weekend. Can be subject to changes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some Rules for the FINALS!!!!

Hey Football Cracks and Referees!

Some important rules for the coming Finals games:
  • Please show up before the actual time so that the games can start at the full hour, (e.g 17.00)!!!
  • Captains, refs, players please take care that you keep the times correctly and have max. 5 mins of break!
  • If after the the regular time there is still no winner, there is 5 minute overtime!!
  • After the overtime there is penalty shooting (9m, regular5 shot penalty)
  • LAST but not least: As always, lets play fair and safe. We are going to the same business school ;-)
If you have any doubts, let us know.

Football rules!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Forthcoming Semifinals!!!

The semifinals for both rounds (winner and looser) will be played on Saturday 11th July and Sunday 12th July respectively. Reserved times and matches will be published Wednesday night.

Schedule for Games tomorrow and Wednesday

Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Kits!!!!

As you know, IE FC hosted the signing ceremony outside of Serrano 99.

These new kits by Nike have our numbers and our names on the back of the jersey. We hope to win upcoming tournaments with the jerseys, after great effort by Jeremy we finally have uniforms worthy of showing them to the world.

The kits are specially designed to enhance player's perfomance on the field, allowing for all of us to play at our best when using them.

For more information about special features of the individual uniforms, please ask the specific player about it.


I.E FC’s Amazing Marca League Performance

We’re writing this entry to tell you more about IE FC’s road at the Marca League. As most of you know, Marca League is a 7-a-side tournament. It is currently played on Wednesdays and our current teams is Alfredo Bejos, Adrian Janser, Andrew Bonfiglio, Carlos Morodo, Vitaliy Bubka, Frank Skoch, Ilay Keisar, Alberto Amaral, Luis Arreaza, Zsolt Homlokos, and Jeremy Melul.

The league started out against the best team of the group stage. These guys would play left to right, switching the ball, with great positioning, great dribbling. The team put up a fight and using our superior physical shape we we’re able to keep pace with this amazing team. At the end though, we let go and they scored the winning goal for a total of 6-5.

The league progressed and we beat every team along the way, many of us scored goals, had fun and put the Club’s name high on the board.

A chance was given for the “best eliminated” to go to the second round of the league, this meant that we had to win our game by more than 5 goals difference, since the best eliminated currently had a better scoring average than us. This past Wednesday we played against a team called “Empresarios Agrupados” a decent team, willing to put up a fight.

The game was high intensity, high pressure game to beat these guys by more than five goals. I am proud to say that every single player on the field left everything they had on the field, we played like a great team, running, dribbling, passing, scoring. When the final whistle went off, we won 8-2, allowing us to go to the next round by being the “best second” of the group pools.

Congratulations to the IE FC Players!!!!! Keep it up!!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Schedule for Quarterfinals:

Hey guys, we would like to let you know that we will announce the final rounds after tomorrow`s match (Mercosur-Wenger`s dream). Please watch out for the blog and we will also try to call you in person.


Zsolt and Adrian

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Current standings before play-offs

Game Wenger's Dream vs. Mercosur will be played July 3th

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

IE FC VS IMBA APril 2009 Intake 11-a-side Game

Hey Folks,

Don't forget this Friday at 4pm we will have an amazing match putting the past and present of I.E FC against the future players of this amazing Club. We hope to see how much potential the new intake has on the field, and even though they have never played together as one big team, we hope they put up a big fight. Conditions will be rather extreme, as we're playing 90 minutes under a 34 degrees celsius sun.

Make sure to bring plenty of water, sunscreen, and shinguards. You never know what is coming for you.

We all hope this game turns out fun and competitive as everyone on the field shows their true athlete spirit.

See you all there on the field.

IE Spring League Schedule Round 4

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

IE Spring League Schedule Round 2

Access to IE Spring League Rules

Here is the link for the league rules. We think they cover everything but if you have any doubts, please feel free to contact us.

Monday, May 25, 2009

IE Spring League kick-off!

The IE Spring League started successfully this weekend with its first round played on Saturday and Sunday (May 23/24). All referees and teams arrived on time and showed us some amazing dribblings and spectacular goals, thank you!

Current standings after round 1:

MBAT pictures

Check out the new pictures from MBAT posted in the slideshow.

Friday, May 22, 2009

HEC MBAT- Our Story

The aim of this blog entry is not only to share our experiences  in Paris as a school, but also our experiences that brought us together as a Football Team.

First of all we must thank those coordinators from I.E. Business School who were present to assist us during our time in Paris, Colette and Marianne.

Also, we must thank Gatorade for supplying us with their thirst quenching powder, allowing us to endure longer and hydrate ourselves before, during and after the games.

Our Adventure started on Thursday May 7th right after final exams, which to many of us were two 2 weeks of torture and intense studying. The great majority of players arrived in Paris at 7:40 pm on an EasyJet flight.

The first night in Paris didn’t have any highlights beside the fact that we had to go to bed so we could rest for the first day of games.

Upon arriving to HEC the next day to register with the school, we were informed that a change of rules of the tournament would only allow the first of each of the pool stages to advance to the knock-out stage. Initially we were told that the first two teams would advance to play, so the decision came at a surprise to us.

We got paired up with Cranfield University from England and Erasmus Rotterdam from Holland in the group stage. Our first game against the British team showed our clear superiority in skills, endurance, and tactical preparation. A clear win 5-0 gave us motivation to continue on our way to lead the group. The defense was flawless, midfielders were working hard going forward and while defending, and the forwards showed ambition and effectiveness.  Our scorers were Eduardo, Jeremy, Andres, and Zsolt with two goals.

After the game, we had a gap of more than two hours to fill so the team went for food on the main campus, a little over 15 minutes away from where we were playing.

Technically speaking, here is where we noticed that the MBAT was not as organized as we thought it would be. Upon returning from the main campus, we realized food was served at the site where football matches were being held, which could have saved us the effort of going to the HEC campus and back. Thanks for the heads up HEC!

Our second game against Rotterdam was more challenging but we again proved to be superior in every way possible, and although we were more tired due to the previous game, we managed to score 2 goals, leaving our goals against count to zero. Our scorers this time were Zsolt, and Andres after an amazing play by Jeremy who headed the ball towards the goal only to be pushed inside. Another highlight of the game was an amazing shot by Luis that was surprisingly blocked by the Rotterdam goalie.

After this game, the organization of the event got trickier as the HEC organizing committee started putting organizational difficulties for IE FC to win the tournament, as they saw we were clearly superior than the rest.

We were supposed to be matched in a semifinal against the winner of group C, but because many teams complained of the short tournament, the rules changed and quarterfinals were added along the way.

Not surprisingly, we got tied up with the second best team on the tournament, Spring Fling’s winner IESE year 1. It is important to mention that last time we played against each other we tied 1-1, with IE leading the whole game, which ended with IESE tying in the last minute by an unfortunate oversight by our defense.

The game against IESE promised to be an amazing match, which resulted in an intense yet passionate rivalry on the field. Our team started strong in all areas, the defense being most impeccable and accurate. The midfielders creating opportunities and destroying IESE’s game while forwards pressured their game in the back, while having amazing opportunities that almost ended in goals.

While the whole team was playing a perfect game, Ramon, our midfielder created occasion after occasions, dribbling through their team, driving them crazy with his superb dribbling capabilities and almost scoring a bicycle goal in the first half.

The game ended 0-0 after the two official halves and two periods of overtime. Pnealties were going to decide the winner.

Unfortunately, this is how HEC MBAT ended for our great team, again beaten in penalties by an inferior, yet good, team which ultimately came to win the whole tournament without rivalry after encountering us.

While this loss left a bitter feeling of failure, we came together as a great team, knowing that we lost to the champions in penalties, but where they only had one clear chance of scoring.

It is important to mention that no one scored a single goal in game time against us, while we scored 7 goals in 3 games.

After this great experience as a team, we are looking forward for the next challenge, which might take us to University of California Los Angeles, UCLA for short, in a tournament that promises to be one of the toughest in the MBA sports world.

We hope that each and every team member feels as satisfied as most of us are about having built this amazing team, successfully bringing together different cultures, nationalities and playing styles on the field.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spring League - Round 1 schedule

The new IE SPRING LEAGUE takes off this weekend! In total 15 teams are participating which is a significant increase compared to the first IE League. Thanks to all the participating teams and we are looking forward to many exciting and challenging games.

First games will be played in Group A on Saturday, 23 May, 14:00-16:00. Group B will play Sunday, 24 May, 16:00-18:00.

Below you find the tables containing the game schedules and please do not forget to provide a referee if it is your turn this weekend.

(click on the tables to get a larger version)

IE FC right back Morodo meets legend

Our favorite right back Carlos Morodo got to meet the world's greatest player on his flight back to Madrid today. No one else than Zinedine Zidane himself. What came out of that short meeting is still speculation... Zidane +10 Vs IE FC? haha

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Congratulations to Atletico Taladro!!!!

Congratulations to the champions of the first IE FC League on your accomplishment!!!

However, be prepared for the next league coming soon, as many of the teams have reinforced their squads with good players and the new intake is promising to give a good fight.

Take a look at the latest rankings.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Off to HEC MBA Tournament!

Thursday morning... 10h31 in the morning...

As I am updating the blog, most of the IE FC players are either taking an exam or getting ready to do so. That being said, I am almost certain that all of them are already thinking about our first game. Some of us are meeting for lunch at the IE Business School c/ Serrano 99 terrace and leaving from there to the airport at around 15h00, and other will meet us at the Barajas airport.

The commitment is there, the ambition is there, all we need to do now is to play our game and give it all we have. Like a non-native english speaker on the team once said "we must leave our ***** on the field". Probably not the most elegant way to say it but that motivational speech from Spring Fling motivated us to come back from 0-1 down at half time to an exceptional 3-1 win!

See you on the field!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring Fling 2009!!!- Our Story

Here is our story.

The Men's team played 3 games in the group stage the first day of the tournament, beating EADA (Spain) 2-1, tying IESE (Spain) 1st Year 1-1, and then finally beating INSEAD (France) 3-1. It was a tough game day, especially because teams were playing very physical, but we stuck to our strategy and playing a very offensive and tactical games.
Our point scores helped us move to the Semifinals, in which we faced IESE Year 2 team and defending champions. These were 90 hard minutes for our team. A mistake in the midfield cost us an IESE goal. They led the game 1-0 until five minutes until the end of the match, when one of our players scored the tying goal from the midfield. The ball flew in the air going out of reach from the goalie and coming into the goal on the upper right post, an amazing goal.
We moved on to penalties, in which unfortunately we lost. We missed two penalties, the last coming after our goalkeeper stop one of the IESE penalty kicks.

No team beat us during match time, which give us enough confidence that we will do great at the Paris Tournament coming next week. We hope to play more solidly and score many more goals than before.

On the women's team, we are proud to say that they crowned themselves as the Champions!!!!!, They got the 1st place after beating the likes of IESE, EADA, INSEAD, etc. They won every game played, having a clear advantage over the rival teams in technique and physical endurance.

Next for the IE FC Teams will be to face the MBA Tournament starting the 7th of May at HEC school near Paris, hoping all of our teams will perform much better this time.

We want to thank Gatorate for sponsoring our fluid replenishment, which we are sure played a crucial role in the matches.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gatorade, Our New Sponsor!!!!

We want to express our gratitude to our new sponsor: Gatorade.

They have been kind enough to provide us with enough powder to replenish during our games and practices. Here is a brief history about this amazing brand: 

In early summer of 1965, a University of Florida assistant coach sat down with a team of university physicians and asked them to determine why so many of his players were being affected by heat and heat related illnesses. Researchers soon discovered two key factors that were causing the Gator players to ‘wilt’: the fluids and electrolytes the players lost through sweat were not being replaced, and the large amounts of carbohydrates the players’ bodies used for energy were not being replenished.

The team of doctors then took their findings into the lab, and scientifically formulated a new, precisely balanced carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage that would adequately replace the key components lost by Gator players through sweating and exercise. They called their concoction ‘Gatorade’. Soon after the researchers introduced their Gatorade formula to the team, the Gators began winning… outlasting a number of heavily favored opponents in the withering heat 

The team’s success progressed even more during the 1966 season, with the Gators finishing at 9–2 and winning the Orange Bowl for the first time ever in the history of the school. Word about Gatorade began to spread outside of the state of Florida, and both the University of Richmond and Miami of Ohio, began ordering batches of Gatorade for their football teams. Orders from other college football programs across the country soon followed, as playing without Gatorade on your sidelines began to be likened to playing with just ten men on the field.

Today, Gatorade can be found on the sidelines of more than 70 Division I colleges as the official sports drink of their men’s and women’s intercollegiate sport

Two decades after Dr. Cade and his team worked diligently to develop the optimum hydration formula that would become Gatorade, the Gatorade Sports Science Institute was founded in Barrington, Illinois, to conduct scientific research in the areas of exercise science, hydration, and sport nutrition. Three years later, the lab would be expanded to provide advanced testing for athletes and new Gatorade products and flavors and develop education materials for sports health professionals around the world. Gatorade is now also the official sports drink of the NBA, AVP, and PGA, Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer, and numerous other elite and professional organizations and teams.

Gatorade and GSSI continue to search for and study new and innovative ways to help athletes improve performance by facilitating proper hydration and nutrition. From the lab testing of athletes, to new flavor and delivery system development, to the publication and distribution of scientific research, the Gatorade Company and the GSSI perpetually strive to advance their collective mission of enabling athletes to always perform at their peak.


Is it in You?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser

IE FC Organized a fundraiser based on the popular theme of St. Patricks day. For everyone to be able to attend and enjoy the most out of it, we did it on Wednesday  March 18th rather than on actual St. Patricks  day (Tuesday March 17th).
All the students attended had a great time, sharing it over beers and bocadillos!, leaving nearly 8:00pm from the Serrano 99 yard.

We are looking forward to the next fundraisers and hope to see you all there. Pictures coming soon!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

IE FC Training with Coach Pablo

One of the last trainning session before the IE Football team goes to the Spring Fling Tournament in Barcelona. We hope the hard sessions will pay off, as the date nears, we feel more confident as a team rather than individuals on the field.
The coach has emphasized the importance of the physical part of the game, most importantly because we will have to play 3 games in a row one day, and every one of us, most be in the top physical level to carry the games on.
Similarly these trainning session will serve us over time, as we prepare for the MBAT in May.

Enjoy the pictures of our trainning!! Let's see what happens in Barcelona!

Friday, March 13, 2009

IE Football League Standings

Last weekend teams fought for a spot on the 4 upper places. Atletico Taladro keeps leadind the league and it could become the champion next weekend if it wins its match. However, if Atletico Taladro loses both of its matches and Wenger's Dream wins the last two games it could beat the leading team for the 1st place. At this point, the second place is up for grabs in the next two games, Wenger's Dreams and All Nations dispute their next games looking over each other shoulders to see who's gonna let go. We will soon find what happens.

The standings reflect the last point count, but Skeletor and Team Mexico are still pending the 3-point reduction penalty for failing to provide a referee two weeks ago.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A busy end of the week with pictures!

Hello all!

It was a busy end of the week for the football club. First we had our fundraiser Friday after classes which was a great success (we will post a blog soon about it). Then there was a catch-up game for the league on Friday afternoon where Mercosur played against Atletico Taladro. Saturday, the IE 11-a-side team had a tough 2.5 hours practice with Coach Pablo and his assistant where we worked mostly on the physical part of our game. We all got a nice suntan, or for some of us more like a sunburn, and I think most of us are still hurting from this intense physical session. Finally, Sunday was round 7 of the IE League where we had some interesting results, shaking up once again the table order... but more on that in a later blog. 

Here are a couple of pictures from this Sunday. Enjoy and feel free to comment!

Some GreenLaces pictures

IE League - Round 7

Friday, March 6, 2009

Here are the latest standings on the IE Football League

After weeks on top of the table,  Skeletor lost to Atletico Taladro, which gained control of the first place. Wenger's Dream and All Nations trail 3 and 2 point away respectively. However, it must be noted that Atletico Taladro is missing one game.

Similarly, it must be taken into consideration that Skeletor and Team Mexico might incur a 3 point penalty deduction for failing to provide a referee at last week games.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

IE League Rules - Refresh

After a lot of questions and comments to referees and to the management team, we decided to remind the rules to the entire league. We have tried to cover as many situations as possible so please bare with us if some of the scenarios are missing. We will update the rules as we go if we encounter some situations that are not covered properly by the current rules.

Here is the link to the rules:

Just for your info, here are the hot topics that most people have questions about:
  • kick off procedure (can we score from kick off for example?)
  • point penalty for no show while on referee duty
  • throw in procedure (yes, the referee should enforce proper throw ins!)
Ok girls and guys! Remember to have fun and play fair... at the end of the day, we are all on the same team!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Quick news update

Hello everyone!

This is just to keep everyone updated on what is going on behind the scene at the Football Club. A lot is in progress and soon we will see the fruits of all our hard work. Here is a quick summary:

  • Men's 11-a-side team: The selection is almost complete with about 20 players confirmed and a couple more to come. Monday 2nd March will be the last tryout opportunity to fill the empty spots.
  • Spring Fling: The men's and women's team that will be going to the tournament have been confirmed and will meet on Friday to buy their tickets and arrange accomodation together.
  • Sponsors: Our marketing presentation is finally finished and has now been distributed to all the people with potential contacts. Let the search for sponsors begin! Jeremy had the chance to meet the President of Pepsico Europe this Thursday but could only briefly present him what the IE Football Club was all about as he was in a hurry, but the conversation will be continued over email very soon.
  • IE league: The league is going strong and up next will be round 6. Two games to watch out for will be between the current leaders Atletico Taladro Vs Skeletor (2nd vs 1st) and Wenger's Dream Vs All Nations (4th vs 3rd). The pressure is building as the league is coming to an end.
  • GreenLaces: THEY HAVE ARRIVED!!!! Some of the men's 11-a-side players are already wearing them so look out! Soon the whole team will be equipped, as well as the women's team and the basketball team. Thank you to Natalie Spilger for sending them so fast and to Luis Arreaza for bringing them over in his suitcase from Boston.
  • Grassroot Soccer: Jeremy just got off the phone with Lukas, one of GRS' employee, to try to find out how the IE Football Club can help. Plenty of ideas were exchanged including having the team wear GRS shirts during training and warm ups to raise awareness, having the team mobilize the IE student body to support one of GRS' "Nike GameChangers" project, and many others... We will be hearing from GRS very soon. In the meantime, Jeremy will keep wearing his yellow Grassroot Soccer shirt on campus!
  • Carbon Rally: We have been in touch with them and they are very excited for us to join their site. We are actually waiting for them to finish the international option on their site before setting up our personal team page on their site. It looks like we might be the first international users. Oh, and also since we are associated with GreenLaces, we will have our team's page amongst other GreenLaces supporters which includes some professional teams!
I think that's it for now! If I think of something else I will update you.
Exciting times guys and girls.

Monday, February 23, 2009

IE Football Club: Online Auction takes you to Santiago Bernabéu

As part of our fundraising efforts, IE Football Club auctioned two tickets for the Real Madrid vs Real Betis match at Santiago Bernabeu, the winner, Luca del Dottore tells us his experience.

I participated in the bid for the first time last week and I have been so lucky! I want to thank the IE Football Club for giving me the chance to enjoy a really great game.
Real Madrid were incredibly 6-1 up at home to Real Betis at half-time after the incredible 45 opening minutes. In fact, all seven goals were scored before the break, with captain Raul and Huntelaar both scoring braces for Madrid to add to further efforts from team-mates Higuain and Sergio Ramos.
"El Madrid" moved within seven points of Barcelona and took another chunk out of historical rivals' lead at the top of the Liga table. Now that the Liga is open again to all possible final results, the remaining games are going to be even more exciting.

Before last Saturday I had only dreamed of sitting at magnificent Bernabeu Stadium. It is by far the most emblematic stadium I have ever visited: its unparalleled atmosphere make it the Europe's most spectacular footballing stage.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

League Standing - Post Sunday 15th Feb Games

Here is the info you have all been waiting for. As you might notice, some of the teams still have a game in hand that will be played as soon as possible. Enjoy the table as it stands... anything can happen until the end, so let's see if Atletico Taladro and Skeletor can keep their form.

First training for the men's team

This Thursday 19th of February the men's team will be having their first practice at the Green Canal fields from 11am to 1pm. Unfortunately, a lot of the players will not be able to join us because of class conflicts but we had to get started as the first tournament is getting nearer. 

We will also use this training as a second chance for some people to tryout for the team... we'll have to see how many people show up!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Online Auction for tickets to Real Madrid vs Racing de Santander, February 7th



1) The auction starts at €30
2) The minimum amount you can bid is €2 more than the previous participant
3) Be responsible! Make sure you are committed before you bid!
4) When you bid, remember to include: NAME - EMAIL - € (personal bid)
5) The highest bid on Thursday Feb. 5th at 23:00, WINS!
6) The winner gets 2 tickets to see the match Real Madrid - Racing de Santander (each valued at approximately €80)
7) The match has been rescheduled and will take place on Sunday Feb. 7th at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

Ready? Set? Bid!

Monday, January 26, 2009

IE Football Club Hosts Successful Fundraising Event

The IE Football Club would like to thank the IE Community for their support to the Fundraising Pizza Gathering which took place last December. It was blessed from the beginning with a bright sun shining on the Serrano 99 Terrace. As soon as the clock struck 15 the crowd of students started to gather with enthusiasm.

Real Madrid tickets were raffled at the event and the lucky winners, Alexis Dos Santos and Enrique López, won 2 tickets each to visit the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and enjoy great games against top teams such as Valencia and Villareal, respectively. In Alexis' words "the game between Real Madrid and Valencia was excellent, the atmosphere at the stadium was very special...the seats are in a great location from where you can see the whole field".

The gathering was a great opportunity to spend time and chat with friends before the Christmas break while helping the Football Club. The funds will be used to cover part of the expenses of the upcoming business schools' tournaments.

The Club is very thankful to all the supporters, the volunteers, the staff and to every person who contributed to the event. We look forward to your ongoing kind support!

IE Football Club Fundraising Takes You to the Santiago Bernabeu

As a part of our goal to reach enough funds to have the club running and to be able to provide fun for our members, we have organized a set of fundraising raffles for all of IE students. The winner gets two tickets to watch the Real Madrid team at the Santiago Bernabeu and here we have the story of the experience of the one of the past winners. We hope that more of you contribute to our team, helping us with the Club, and at the same time, winning these incredible tickets.

Our first winner was Carlos Tarrats and here you have his story:

"Knowing that you are a few blocks away from the Santiago Bernabeu stadium, it's a unique opportunity that is not present everyday. The IE Football Club, which I have to congratulate for the organization and energy, and the Student Office had a raffle to see the Real Madrid. I won the tickets and it was going to be 
my first time watching Real Madrid. It was a critical match because many variables were playing at the same time (cutting points against Barcelona FC, leading La Liga). Going out of the Bernabeu metro station towards the stadium with all the fans, and watching all the faces wishing and praying for a victory was an amazing experience. The game was great in terms of suspense and performance but..., sadly, Real Madrid lost the game. This is football, sometimes you win and others you lose and that's the excitement of the game, because until the game it's over everything can happen.

Thanks again to the IE Football Club for this incredible experience!"