The IE Football Club is launching the first IE Football League for 2009. For the launch of the league, the Football Club will be organizing a gathering on Friday 12th December at 18h00 at BoFinn, the pub on the corner of Diego de Leon and Velasquez near IE. We will all get a chance to meet each other, people will be able to look for teams, teams will be able to look for extra players, people will be able to form new teams... it will be a great opportunity to get more information as well and let's face it, we will be starting the weekend together!
If you are interested in participating, in the league, please join us at BoFinn and read the following instructions:
- WHEN: Sunday afternoons (between 1pm and 5pm, exact time to be confirmed) at Green Canal, Rios Rosas
- STARTING: 11th January
- DURATION: up to 11 weeks (depending on the number of teams signed up). We will play 1 round per week
- FORMING TEAMS: The league is open to anyone -mixed male-female teams are encouraged- who can commit to the duration of the league. The only requirement to enter the league is to have a team and for that you have two options:
- Form you own team (try to recruit other players)
- Join an existing team (ask already existing team members and captains if they need extra players)
- "round robin" (every team plays against each other)
- every team will play once a week
- 8 vs 8 games: each team should have at least 8 players (we play 8 vs 8). It is up to you how many substitutes you would like to include. Make sure you have enough subs in case people cannot make it.
- 1 hour of play time per round: 15 minutes warm up, 2x20 minutes games, 5 minutes halftime break
- REGISTRATION: Captains should register their own teams with the IE Football Club by sending an email to . The captain is responsible to pass information from the IE Football Club to his team members. The email for Registration should include this League Team Registration.xls filled out with:
- A team name
- Captain designation
- Contact details for each player (phone and IE email)
- REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 16th December at midnight
- PRICE: approximately €350 per team for the entire league. We don't know the exact price yet as it will depend on the number of teams, but we assume it will be in line of our past experience of about €3.50 per player per game. As soon as we have the complete playing schedule, we will inform the captains about the exact price.
- PAYEMENT: captains will have to pay the registration fees at the latest by the 17th of December. They will be contacted by the IE Football Club management in order to perform the monetary transaction.
- NEXT STEP: Wednesday 7th January 2009 kick-off meeting with all the team captains and the IE Football Club management team. All the detailed info regarding the league will be provided during this meeting.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at at anytime and let's make this a great league and have fun!
The entire Football Club management team
Jeremy, Carmen, Adrian, Gonzalo and Luis