Monday, October 5, 2009

IE Football Club Proudly Presents

GreenLaces Cup!, The Green Football Tournament!!!

Dear All,

As you might have heard, IE Football Club is organizing the first Green Tournament in IE history.
The tournament will take place this weekend starting Friday October 9th until Sunday October 11th!!!
The event will count with the presence of students from top MBA schools such as London Business School, INSEAD, and IESE.

It will consist of round robin (everyone plays everyone) football games during the weekend, complete with parties to network with students from all over the world!!!

(More info about parties on the next post!!!)

So come to support YOUR guys and girls teams and show the true colors of your school!!!!

We hope to see you all there.

I.E Football Club

Monday, July 20, 2009

Spring League Final!!!!

Hello All....

Congratulations to Wenger's Dream Team for winning this challenging, extensive, and competitive league.
We hope all the teams enjoyed playing and being up for the competition and getting ready for the upcoming games.

The Final between Wenger's Dream and Dirty Dozen was an whole event in itself, with many students from the November intake and the April intake coming to support their respective teams on an environment of fairplay and solidarity among students.

The game went on with both teams aiming to win from the first minute, making plays, fouls, and beautiful coordination between teams.

Players from both sides showed their dertgermination to winning, but at the end the physical effort took toll, and the members of Wenger's Dream showed a better shape and ended up deciding the game in the second half.

CONGRATULATIONS again to Wenger's Dream for winning the league, because next one will be harder, better watch out for the new All Nations Galacticos team......

Pictures coming up!!!

See you soon.......

Saturday, July 18, 2009

IE Football Club Participation on OFFDutIE

Hello All,

As you know the OFFDutiIE event was primarily launched to raise money for the most needed charities and causes.

IE FC proudly contributed to the task, raising over 500 Euros through “bid to play” challenge, in which participants from every program at IE Bid for a spot and the chance to play football for the noble cause.

Please do not forget to support out causes of being environmental responsible and renewing our pledge to be a green team every day.

More Green Events coming up after vacations!!!!!

We will keep you all posted.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Updated Finals Schedule!!! Saturday 18th July

Hey guys please check the schedule for this weekend! Please be on time!

We are planning to have a little event selling cold beers during the matches. So bring friends, fools and family! More to be posted!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Schedule for the weekend!

Please find the schedule for the weekend. Can be subject to changes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some Rules for the FINALS!!!!

Hey Football Cracks and Referees!

Some important rules for the coming Finals games:
  • Please show up before the actual time so that the games can start at the full hour, (e.g 17.00)!!!
  • Captains, refs, players please take care that you keep the times correctly and have max. 5 mins of break!
  • If after the the regular time there is still no winner, there is 5 minute overtime!!
  • After the overtime there is penalty shooting (9m, regular5 shot penalty)
  • LAST but not least: As always, lets play fair and safe. We are going to the same business school ;-)
If you have any doubts, let us know.

Football rules!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Forthcoming Semifinals!!!

The semifinals for both rounds (winner and looser) will be played on Saturday 11th July and Sunday 12th July respectively. Reserved times and matches will be published Wednesday night.